Tantra for men


Another testimonial  about the book Tantra for Men, from Scott,

f***ing absolutely amazing. a must read for anyone one in the healing arts. everyone can embrace their sexuality and become empowered.

learning to feel ours bodies and understand our rhythms is key to vitality. sex is life giving, lets all talk about it and have fun together.

I highly recommend this book, insightful information, expressed with love


Sexual Secrets for Men


Learn about tantra for men. happy womanBeing a good lover isn’t easy. With more freedom, knowledge and body awareness, today’s woman knows better than to settle for predictable, performance based sex. This book provides everything a man needs to know to satisfy a woman’s physical, emotional and spiritual yearnings in a sexual relationship-and how to bring him to new heights of ecstasy in the process.

Employing ancient tantric secrets, Kerry and Diane show how to transform sex into passionate lovemaking, pleasure into ecstasy, and partnership into union. Their expert teachings represent a committed coupe practicing ecstatic sexuality within the challenges of a modern- day lifestyle.

In this tantric sex book for men authors provide committed couples and lovers with practical techniques for making love more frequently, achieving higher and prolonged states of orgasmic intensity, and experiencing lovemaking as a sacred practice. Through their approach all lovers will find new ways to satisfy each other on the level of body, heart and soul to keep their love and sexual passion alive.