Sydney Tantric Goddesses
Sydney Tantric Goddesses:
are passionate about teaching the Tantric arts. Our highly qualified goddesses tailor the lessons to your individual needs, teaching you skills to improve your lovemaking and ability to connect with your partner physically, emotionally and spiritually. The Tantric Goddesses specialise in teaching all skills of Tantric sexuality including teaching you how to give and to receive a Tantric massage.
Find out more about what happens in a Tantra Goddess session or visit the testimonials to discover the real benefits men have experienced with the Tantric Goddess Directory. Call Booking Agent Sandy 0430 194940
Learn and experience a Tantric massage and much more !
Tantra Sydney: Learn and experience tantra skills for longer lasting, more satisfying lovemaking plus techniques of not only receiving, but giving a Tantra massage. You will receive a copy of the book Sexual Secrets for Men by international best-seller, Kerry Riley, to practice and use some of the skills you have learned with your partner. Call Booking Agent Sandy 0430 194940.
Tantra Sydney Goddess Tara
“The secrets and practices of Tantra will be a real awakening for you. Over the three sessions you will connect more with your masculine, develop your sexual virility, and your skills to last much longer. Learn the art of turning sex into making love, and importantly learn ways to satisfy your lover more.”
…read more
Call Booking Agent Sandy 0430 194940
All Tantra Sydney Goddesses have studied with the Australian School of Tantra and Tantra Education Australia and continue to develop their studies and skills of tantra.
Tantra Sydney Goddess Ishtar
Ishtar: ‘I’ve always being interested in sexuality since a young age. In my teens I discovered belly dance where I started to discover myself, my sexuality and the female power. I danced in many places in Brazil as a professional dancer. “The program I am now qualified to teach has been tried and tested over 10 years and delivers excellent results which you can see from the testimonials ‘…read more
Call Booking Agent Sandy 0430 194940
About the Sydney Tantra Goddess’s
All goddess’s listed on this website are highly skilled and have taken extensive training with Tantra Education P/L. They are more than simply erotic masseurs or Tantric massage practitioners. This is in their training but they know and practice much more than that with you:
They have the Tantric techniques to address most areas in Men’s sexuality and can help them with things like ejaculation control, staying power, virility issues, how to turn on their partner more, putting new spark into their relationship, internal orgasm, multiple orgasm, teach men tantric massage to help their woman enjoy more pleasure during sex and orgasm more frequently and turning sex into a sacred experience, in fact up-skilling in every area of their lovemaking; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Call Booking Agent Sandy 0430 194940