What is Energetic Lovemaking
Extract from Sexual Secrets for Men by Kerry Riley
Modern physics maintains that all things consist of energy vibrating at different frequencies. When you make love your energy fields merge and weave together. These energy fields or auras have been photographed through Kirlian photography. In a Kirlian photograph, when two people send out negative thoughts to each other, the energy bodies show up as separating. When they send loving thought the energy bodies merge; it is hard to tell where one energy body finishes and the other starts. That is why sometimes when you are making love you tend to feel as one body. A feeling of harmony arises when your energy body resonates at the same frequency as your beloved’s. Some say our etheric bodies merge.
Where Does Energetic Lovemaking come from?
Energic Lovemaking will be quite new to most people, just as this energetic view of the world is relatively new in science. The process of understanding ourselves as energy beings is in its infancy. However, part of the Hindu, Chinese and Aboriginal traditions for centuries has been to understand ourselves as energy beings. The Hindu system refers to the life-force as Kundalini or Shakti. The Chinese call it Chi. It’s also called sexual energy, psychic energy, physical energy, nervous energy, spiritual energy light, and life-force. How we use and experience energy determines what we call it.
History of Energy and LoveMaking
The Hindus and the Chinese believe that this life-force is stored like a reservoir at the base of the spine and is our infinite source of spiritual energy. It is represented as a sleeping serpent which has spiritual and sexual meanings. When you dream of snakes, you are tapping into your spiritual and sexual energies and awakening them. In the Hindu system the aim is to awaken the Kundalini energy in the sexual centre and move it to the higher centres of the body to expand your consciousness and lead you into enlightenment or a tangible experience of God. You can awaken it by yourself and move it through these centres to create a high state of meditation. Awakening the Kundalini as an individual and raising it up through the sexual centre to all the other centres is called ‘white tantra.’
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