POSITIVE COMMUNICATION Excerpt from Sexual Secrets for Men: What every woman will want her man to know One of the common problems in marriage is that often each of us feels we are not being appreciated enough for what we do, yet this is often because we forget to...
Tantric Hindu Teachings Your sexuality is not only a vehicle to exploring more love, it is also a vehicle for you to find a spiritual path. It is valuable to set aside special times to treat your lovemaking as a spiritual practice. Meditation, prayer, ritual and...
When you are in heightened orgasmic states, this is a spiritual experience. A mystical state itself is not easy to describe and yet anyone who has had the experience can recognise it. People describe certain common elements in such an experience things like a sense of...
A history of LoveMaking ‘ Retaining his seed by proficiency in the Art of Love, the Emperor concentrates powers within. Then, at the full moon, he bestows his seed on the Queen of Heaven.’ It is written in the ancient texts of China and India that it was...
The Tantric interplay of the male and female energies was represented in Hindu mythology with Shakti and Shiva, and represented in Taoism with yin and yang. Both Tantra and Taoism aimed to create union of body, mind and spirit. And in both, sexuality was seen and...
Goddess Tantra Practitioner of 2013 We have just completed a Tantra Goddess Practitioner Training covering Tantra Massage, Tantra Education, Tantra Love Techniques, Kundalini, Tantric Ritual, Loving Relationships, Longer Lasting Sex and Chakra Healing. There are now...