Tantric Love and Relationships Tantric love and relationships can help build close loving relationships . Practicing provides the potential for the highest lovemaking possible. It is worth working on your relationship if you want to open up more possibilities in the...
Tantra for men Another testimonial about the book Tantra for Men, from Scott, f***ing absolutely amazing. a must read for anyone one in the healing arts. everyone can embrace their sexuality and become empowered. learning to feel ours bodies and understand our...
The Secrets To A Women’s Orgasm Extract from Sexual Secrets For Men by Kerry Riley Every man would like to know the secret to giving his woman the best orgasm she has ever had. In fact you can’t give a woman the orgasm as her orgasm belongs to her, but...
Tantric sex and Ejaculation control, there are lots of alternatives to drug therapy…. THE IMPORTANCE OF EJACULATION CONTROL Tantric sex techniques for ejaculation control are described in great detail in Taoist and Tantric texts from ancient China and India...
What is Energetic Lovemaking Extract from Sexual Secrets for Men by Kerry Riley Modern physics maintains that all things consist of energy vibrating at different frequencies. When you make love your energy fields merge and weave together. These energy fields or auras...
How to Communicate With My Partner: Talk – Excerpt from Sexual Secrets for Men: What every woman will want her man to know by Kerry Riley To encourage more intimacy you need to talk more during lovemaking. In our survey about what women would like more of in...